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PTI to represent Toyo Seikan in US for sales, technology
  By Bill Bregar
Published: September 24, 2014 9:59 am ET
Updated: September 24, 2014 10:01 am ET

Plastic Technologies Inc., which develops new PET packaging, has entered into a representation agreement with Tokyo-based Toyo Seikan Co. Ltd. PTI, of Holland, Ohio, to be the exclusive U.S. agent for sales and licensing of several new Toyo Seikan PET bottle processing technologies for packaging.

“Toyo Seikan is known as a packaging innovator with a proven global track record,” PTI President Scott Steele said. “This new representation agreement will be one more way for PTI to deliver the latest cutting-edge, plastic-based packaging technology to its brand-owner clients.”

One area the companies will work together on is a new foamed PET beverage bottle technology. According to PTI, that process makes lightweight containers with good barrier features and striking visual/tactile attributes. Officials say the companies will unveil more details in the coming months.

Toshio Sue, deputy head of Toyo Seikan’s technical headquarters, noted that PTI has worked with well-known U.S. brands. “Due to our compatible areas of interest and ongoing working relationship, it wqas logistical to take the relationship to a more formal level. PTI’s extensive PET expertise and long-standing client relationships will be a big asset in helping us commercialize our proven technologies in the U.S. marketplace,” he said.

Tel. 419-725-5613, email r.puvak@plastictechnologies.com.

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