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PRE taking steps to increase PET tray recycling stream
Published: September 25, 2014 10:33 am ET
Updated: September 25, 2014 10:35 am ET

A set of new guidelines covering design-for-recycling for PET trays has been published by Plastics Recyclers Europe (PRE), the Brussels-based trade body.

The guidelines are intended to set the groundwork for increased recycling of PET trays, in the same way that united guidelines for PET bottles set the stage for growth in recycling those products.

An “eco-design” of PET, which would make it easy to separate food or medical trays from non-recyclable items, adhesives or inks, are a first step, PRE officials said.

“Additionally, this waste stream of 800,000 [metric tons] must be collected and sorted accordingly to create a dedicated waste stream,” it said. “These two actions are essential in order to create a real recycling stream for PET trays and allow this specific packaging to help reaching the upcoming EU recycling targets.”

PRE said it was calling the value chain, converters, retailers, brand owners and raw material producers, “to join forces to build-up a PET trays platform in order to start a path to a value chain approach for PET trays similar to the European PET Bottle Platform”.

Check out PRE's guidelines here.

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