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Molder expands in France with new clean room
Published: October 20, 2014 1:30 pm ET
Updated: October 20, 2014 1:32 pm ET

Global Closure Systems (GCS), a global injection molding producer, showed off its new ISO 7 clean room at its Astra Plastique factory in France during an open “Pharma Day.”

The company said it invested over 1 million euros in the facility ($1.28 million) in the facility in order to meet its customers’ needs. This is the second clean room in France for the company.

GCS states that the clean room, which is the third for the group, surpasses the pharmaceutical industry standards and helps it to anticipate future increasing demands and market requirements.

The “Pharma Day” event was marked by a tour of the factory and a presentation and summary of GCS’ strategy in relation to the health care market with a focus on the group’s latest product developments, which include Flip-Loc: a single piece CRC for pills, powders or liquids, Lite-Loc: a light weight CRC and Cyrano: a bi-injected perfusion bottle closure.

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