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Packaging specialist Amcor hits sustainability goals ahead of schedule
  By Jim Johnson
Published: October 23, 2014 11:15 am ET
Updated: October 23, 2014 11:28 am ET

Global packaging company Amcor Ltd. has achieved its waste reduction goals two years ahead of schedule, according to the company’s new sustainability report.

Amcor indicates the company has reduced its “waste to landfill intensity” by 53 percent since fiscal year 2010-11 in the new report covering fiscal year 2013-14. The company, previously, had a 50 percent reduction target by fiscal year 2015-16.

Waste from operations in the latest fiscal year was 321,065 metric tons, Amcor said, and 80 percent of that material was recycled.

Melbourne, Australia-based Amcor has more than 180 locations around the world, and more than 40 of those sites no longer send waste to landfills.

Amcor also achieved its five-year goal of reducing greenhouse gas intensity by 10 percent ahead of schedule. It posted a 19-percent reduction for fiscal year 2013-14 compared to 2010-11.

The sustainability report is available atwww.amcor.com/sustainability/.

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