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Geist Plastics changes name to Lincoln Plastics

Published: October 23, 2014 12:31 pm ET
Updated: October 23, 2014 12:34 pm ET

Custom profile extruder Geist Plastics Inc. is changing its name to Lincoln Plastics, the company announced Oct. 23.

The 66-year-old Lincoln, Neb.-based company said it is making the change to reduce brand confusion in the local community. Geist Plastics is a division of PCE Inc., a privately held corporation that also owns Geist Global, a company that makes data center power and monitoring equipment, and also is located in Lincoln.

“Another benefit of the name change is that it highlights our location in the heartland,” said President Dominic Pynes, in a news release.

Lincoln and Geist can trace their history back to 1948, when the parent company was established to make cord covers and electrical conduit.

Lincoln Plastics has estimated profile extrusion sales of $6.5 million, according to Plastics News’ most recent ranking of North American pipe, profile and tubing extruders. It has a 25,000-square-foot facility in Lincoln.

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